Wednesday, February 25, 2009

After a run in with a Q-tip a month ago we were worried that Zak burst his ear drum. We took him in to see his E.N.T. right after it happened but there was too much blood for the Dr. to see in. He's been on ear drops for the past month and today he got his exam and his ear his fine. YAY!!!!
If only going to see the Dr. was this much fun all the time!!


Leesa said...

YAY!! I am so happy he is ok! I hate when scary things happen! And with boys they are bound to happen :)!

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

Poor little guy! I'm glad everything is okay though. But man that must have hurt!

Keeping up with the Jones' said...

Zak looks so old! I have'nt seen him since Chris' homecoming. Yes count us in lava was so fun last year, and this year I'll be a little more prepared for what to expect, like no air conditioning or tv. Are we going to stay at the same place? you will have to give me all the details. I'm so sad I was coming up this weekend and Wed. night Mace got really sick and now has a fever:(.

NB said...

Hi Tara! So we play phone tag, that's okay! We are going to be in Idaho next month! Can't wait. The boys are getting so big! Your message was kind of cutting out, but it sounds like you've been spending some time in Utah, that's nice for you! Hope work is going well and I'll try to catch up with you in the next couple days. Also, FYI, I heard of a website where you can download your blog and print it in a nice book--it's My friend said she made an 80 page book with full color photos and text for $55 and that included upgrades to nicer paper etc. You should check it out!

Anonymous said...

Your boys are getting so big! How is Idaho? When are you going to come down and see us all again? Whats new with you guys? I love that you found me its so fun to come on and see how your family is doing and see what mischief your boys are getting into :)
Let me know how you are!!

Anonymous said...

Hey I made my blog private send me your email so I can add you

Kabe and Cass said...

That sucks so bad! My little girl had that happen two and she kept getting infections so they put tubes in her ears and she hasn't had another on since. Good luck. Hows the no pop thing comin? I want to stop so bad and I have tried so many times but I am to weak. Any pointers?