Monday, November 17, 2008

So long old friend...

So I drank my last Diet Pepsi today! I am trying to stop drinking caffeine and I'm way sad about it. I love my Pepsi! I always quit with each one of my pregnacies but as soon as I stop nursing I'm right back to drinking it. No, I'm not pregnant. I just want to be healthier and teach my kids to eat right so I'm starting here. If anyone has any words of encouragement I would love to hear it. I'll keep you updated on my days sober from Diet Pepsi!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rolling it Redneck style!

So we know how to do Halloween here in Idaho. Hook a trailer behind the 4 wheeler! For once it wasn't below zero here so I actually enjoyed riding along with the kids. My kids thought it was best thing to be able to walk up to people's doors and get free candy.